Deacons: Serving and Strengthening the Church


  1. What Is a Deacon?

  2. Who Can Be a Deacon?

  3. What Do Deacons Do?

  4. Why Should Someone be a Deacon?

Study Questions

  1. What does the word “deacon” mean?

  2. What reasons can you give to support the office of deacon?

  3. Why are character qualifications important for the office of deacon (see 1 Tim 3:8-13)?

  4. Describe the relationship between the deacons and the elders?

  5. According to Acts 6, what were those deacons called on to protect?

  6. In your own words, describe what a deacon does in the local church.

  7. What does the Word of God promise to faithful deacons (see 1 Tim 3:13)?


So Great a Salvation


Elders and Deacons