Life Under Control Pt. 2

In this passage, we’re commanded to control what controls us by yielding ourselves to the Holy Spirit’s influence rather than yielding ourselves to influences that lead to wastefulness and debauchery.


  1. The Wrong Control

  2. The Right Control

Study Questions

  1. 5:18 describes one of the three applications of the command to walk wisely in 5:17, and then goes on to describe what it means in 5:19-6:9.

    1. What are the three applications in 5:15-18?

    2. How do 5:19-6:9 relate to the command in 5:18?

  2. This verse prohibits drunkenness.

    1. What reason is given to avoid drunkenness?

    2. Does the Bible teach that any consumption of alcohol is wrong?

    3. What does drunkenness produce? (see Prov 20:21; 23:30-35)

    4. How would you counsel a professing believer given to heavy drinking?

  3. In contrast to drunkenness, we are commanded to be filled with the Spirit which can be simply understood as a moment by moment yielding to the Spirit’s control.

    1. Why do you suppose this is compared to drunkenness?

    2. What else does the Bible say concerning the Spirit’s influence in our life? (see Gal 5:16-26; Rom 8:1-17)

  4. “Being filled with the Spirit” has caused a lot of confusion in the church.

    1. What are some ways Christians misunderstand or misapply this verse?

    2. How would you explain to them or to an unbeliever what it means to be filled with the Spirit?

    3. Why is it so important Christians understand this?

  5. 5:19-21 says Spirit-filled people will be a singing people.

    1. How does the Spirit produce a song in our hearts that we sing to God?

    2. What is this grounded in? (see Col 3:16)

    3. How is this different than hoping for a detached, subjective, emotional high that is so commonly associated with being filled with the Spirit?

  6. Being filled with the Spirit not only means allowing the Word of Christ to dwell in us richly, it also means a consciousness of His presence. It means knowing He is in heaven physically and present with us through His Spirit Who dwells in us.

    1. How often do you meditate on that reality?

    2. How can remembering that, and thinking about it often make us more like Jesus? (see 2 Cor 3:18)


True Worship Pt. 2


Life Under Control Pt. 1