Living with the End in View Pt. 2

Study Questions

  1. Why should the immanence of the end motivate us to live for God in the present?

  2. What four things are we commanded to do in light of the end?

  3. Of the four, which is the most essential?

  4. How has Christ modeled love for us, and how might we follow His example? (see Eph 4:32-5:2; 1 John 3:16; Rom 5:8)

  5. What does it mean for love to “cover a multitude of sins.”

  6. What are some ways we can show hospitality?

  7. In what ways has God gifted you, and how are you using those gifts to serve the church?


Suffering to the Glory of God Pt. 1


Living with the End in View Pt. 1