The Characteristics of Love Pt. 2

Study Questions

  1. What is the root attitude needed in order to love well? (Phil 2:1-5)

  2. How does envying and boasting work against love?

  3. How does arrogance work against love? How can we fight against it?

  4. What does it mean to be “rude,” and how can we avoid rudeness in an attempt to better love others.

  5. What does it mean to “insist on your own way,” and how can we avoid that?

  6. What can a person do who struggles with irritability and resentment?

  7. What does it mean to “rejoice in the truth” and “not rejoice over wrong doing?”

  8. How does love “bear all things, believe all things, hope all things and endure all things”?


Pilgrims, Suffering, and the True Grace of God


The Characteristics of Love Pt. 1