The Christian’s Warfare: Know Your Enemy Pt. 1

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  1. Who is the Devil?

  2. What is His Goal?

Study Questions

  1. A survey of Scripture (particularly Eph 2:2-3) identifies three main enemies of the Christian.

    1. What are the three enemies?

    2. What Scripture passages help us understand and deal with those enemies?

    3. What enemy is dealt with in 6:10-20?

  2. Ezekiel 28:11-19 addresses the king of Tyre but gives us some insight into the origin of Satan, who was the influence behind this the evil king.

    1. What does 28:13 tell us about his origin?

    2. What does 28:13-16 tells us about his purpose and downfall?

    3. What does 28:17 list as the reason for his downfall?

  3. A parallel passage to Ezekiel 28:11-19 is Isaiah 14:4-21, which is a prophecy against Babylon, but like the passage in Ezekiel, references and allusions are made to the satanic influence behind this wicked kingdom.

    1. What does the parallel between Jesus’ statement in Luke 10:18 and Is 14:12 tell us about who else Isaiah is addressing in that passage?

    2. What does the fact that God can speak about an individual and Satan at the same time tell us about the influence Satan can have over people? (see also Mt 16:23)

    3. According to Is 14:13-14, what 5 things has Satan determined to do?


The Christian’s Warfare: Know Your Enemy Pt. 2


The Christian’s Warfare: Dressed to Stand