The Christian’s Warfare: The Call to Battle

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This text alludes to the battle all Christians face by commanding us forcefully and directly to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might, recognizing that our enemies are beyond what we are capable of combating in our own strength. 


  1. The Clarion Call

  2. The Source of Strength

Study Questions

  1. This text begins with the word “finally” and delivers a strong call to arms to live the Christian life.

    1. What does Paul mean when he says “finally?”

    2. Where else in Scripture do you find similar commands to “be strong”? (You may need to do some digging. A good cross reference is helpful. If you need help, please let Pastor Jake know.)

    3. What do all of these Scripture passages teach us about the nature of the Christian life?

  2. Paul concludes Ephesians with a call to arms and urges us to be strong in the strength of the Lord.

    1. Since we have victory in Jesus, why is it still necessary for Christians to fight?

    2. According to verse 12, against what kind of things can we expect to fight? (see also 2 Cor 10:3-5).

    3. Where else in Ephesians do you see Paul allude to the “strength” of the Lord?

    4. What do those passages teach?

  3. The Bible teaches that to be at peace with God is to be an enemy of the world and of the ruler of this world, Satan.

    1. Why is it important for Christians to recognize there is a lifelong battle to be fought in the Christian life?

    2. How does what is previously written in Ephesians prepare us for the battle?

  4. The command in 6:10 is to “be strengthened in the Lord.”

    1. How does a Christian go about “strengthening” themselves in the Lord?

    2. What relationship does this have with Philippians 2:12-13?

    3. What are some ways, practically, that we can strengthen ourselves in the Lord?

  5. Verse 10 clearly says it is the strength of God’s might in which we are to be strengthened.

    1. What are some ways we depend on our own strength to live the Christian life?

    2. Give some examples of the strength God provides in the midst of difficulty.

    3. How can we be sure we are depending on God’s strength, and not our own?


The Christian Warfare: The Provision of Strength


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