The Church: God’s Present Work Pt. 3


  1. God’s plan is to establish & strengthen churches, not just save souls.

  2. The church is about God and His purposes, not man and his potential.

  3. You cannot live faithfully as a Christian disconnected from the local church.

  4. The strength and health of the church is vital to carrying out God’s purposes in the world.

  5. Nothing is more precious to God on this earth than His churches.

Study Questions

  1. What is the main point of Eph 4:1-16?

  2. What must we display in order to promote that principle (4:1-3)?

  3. What has God given us to build and promote that principle (4:11)?

  4. What happens when Christians try to live independent from faithful pastors who teach them the Word and shepherd them (4:14)?

  5. What other protection does active involvement in a local church provide (see Heb 3:12-13)?

  6. What does Heb 13:17 teach us about both the accountability church members have to their leaders, and the accountability leaders have to God?

  7. What passages in Scripture remind us of God’s care and love for His church?


Love or Die


The Church: God’s Present Work Pt. 2