The Pilgrim’s Psalm


  1. The Lord Our Helper

  2. The Lord Our Keeper

Study Questions

  1. How could Psalm 120 inform our understanding of Psalm 121?

  2. Why is this Psalm known as the “Traveler’s Psalm”?

  3. What does 121:3-4 teach us about the durability of our God?

  4. What does 121:5-6 teach us about God’s constant care and provision?

  5. What does 121:7-8 teach us about the quality and duration of God’s protection?

  6. How can we reconcile what this Psalm teaches concerning God’s care and protection with the reality of Christian suffering and persecution (See Rom 8:31-39)?

  7. How can we encourage ourselves and others with the truth of this Psalm, even when these promises (from an earthly perspective) do not seem to be a part of our experience (See Gen 50:20; 2 Cor 5:7)?


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