The Song of the Eternally Secure

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This Psalm describes seven features of a person who trusts completely in the Lord. This person delights in the Lord, delights in God’s people, understands and rejects the influence of the world, embraces the inheritance God has given them, delights in God’s Word, trusts in God’s deliverance, and seeks satisfaction in God alone. The Psalm ultimately points to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, in Whom we have a true and eternal hope, which compels us to strive to become the person this Psalm describes. 


  1. Delight in the Lord (1-2)

  2. Delight in God’s People (3)

  3. Understand and Reject the Influence of the World (4)

  4. Embrace the Inheritance God has Given You (5-6)

  5. Delight in God’s Word (7-8)

  6. Trust in God’s Deliverance (9-10)

  7. Seek Satisfaction in God Alone (11)

Study Questions

  1. Psalm 16 begins with a cry to God for preservation and an affirmation of his commitment to God’s Lordship.

    1. What makes David confidant he will receive preservation?

    2. What two statements does David make to God in 16:2?

    3. What do those 2 statements mean?

  2. 16:3 teaches us something about what a godly person’s attitude should be towards other believers.

    1. What does David mean by “saints in the land?”

    2. Why do you think David “delights” in them?

    3. What does this verse teach us about what our own attitude should be towards other believers?

  3. 16:4-6 describes David’s attitude towards the lure of the world compared to that in which he has placed his hope.

    1. What does David recognize in 16:4 about those who have rejected the true God? (see Ps 73:17-20)

    2. What has David chosen instead?

    3. How can 16:4-6 and Psalm 73 help change our attitude regarding the things we pursue in this life?

  4. 16:8-11 is used in Peter’s sermon in reference to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    1. What argument does Peter use from this text to say that the Psalmist was talking about the resurrected Jesus?

    2. What is it about Jesus’ resurrection that compels us towards the same attitude and mindset displayed in Psalm 16?

    3. How can we be sure that what became true of Jesus will someday be true of us?

  5. Application

    1. How would you encourage someone to strive to become the kind of person this Psalm describes?

    2. What are some things that make faithfulness to God so difficult, and how can we, in the strength of the Holy Spirit, overcome those obstacles?

    3. Will you begin to pray that God would give SNCCC such a clear vision of the resurrected Jesus Christ that we would be compelled to live our whole lives in light of it?


The Song of the Eternally Secure Pt. 2


For the Sake of His Name