True Wisdom


  1. Who is Wise?

  2. What Demonstrates Wisdom (13)?

  3. What Works Against Wisdom (14-16)?

  4. What Characterizes Wisdom (17)?

  5. What Does Wisdom Produce (18)?

Study Questions

  1. What question sets the tone of this passage, and how does James expect us to answer it?

  2. How is this more a challenge than it is a question?

  3. What works against wisdom according to 3:14?

  4. Where do these things come from, and what do they produce? (3:15-16)?

  5. What are the 8 traits that characterize the wisdom from above(3:17)?

  6. Why is it important to understand that wisdom is first pure?

  7. In your words, explain what wisdom produces from 3:18.


Living in the Fear of God


Boasting in the Folly of Christ Crucified