Walk in Light Pt. 2

This passage reminds us that we were once in darkness but now are light in the Lord. It exhorts us to walk as children of the Light by discerning what is pleasing to the Lord and not participate in works of darkness but rather let our light be visible in the darkness.


  1. The Principle

  2. The Command

  3. The Promise

Study Questions

  1. Grounding the command to walk in the light with our identity as children of the light is an important part of obeying God’s Commands. Spend some time surveying the truths about us taught in Eph 1-3. Are you convinced those things are true about you? Discuss how those truths motivate us to obey the commands in Ephesians 4-6.

  2. Since walking in the light includes conduct or “fruit” that is found in all that is good and right and true, you would expect a more favorable response from the world. Why is this not the case? What was it about Jesus’ life that drew out such a violent response? What’s the difference between being a good, moral person, and “walking in the light?”

  3. The message mentioned 3 ways we carry out the command to “walk in the light.” What are they? Discuss some practical ways we carry out this command. What will be our primary resource to help us know how to walk in the light?

  4. The message suggests that walking in the light is something that we need to do together. Discuss ways we can carry out the command of Hebrews 3:12-13 in light of the current pandemic. How can we stay involved in each other’s lives and shine as lights to expose the darkness? How can we personally keep the “light” on in our own lives?

  5. Verse 14 includes a promise in the form of a hymn. What is it about this promise that encourages us to stay vigilant in our pursuit of godliness, even in the face of a godless culture? How can we use this promise to show others the wonderful promise of the gospel?

  6. This passage of Scripture is a clear call to shine as lights in a dark and hopeless world. Discuss ways you can be praying for yourselves, your church, and your neighbors in light of the passage and the times in which we live.


Walk in Wisdom