A Fellowship that Honors Christ Pt. 3

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This passage teaches us what gospel-centered unity looks like. It compels us, based on the benefits we have in Christ, to strive for a unity and love grounded in the truth that can only be achieved through a willingness to view each other in the best possible light and set aside our own preferences for the sake of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.


  1. Put off Disunity

  2. Put on Humility

  3. Follow Godly Examples

Study Questions

  1. It is clear from the text that unity is a priority, but it is also very difficult.

    1. What makes unity, or any obedience to God, so difficult?

    2. What three things must we believe if we’re going to strive for unity?

  2. Disunity is a disease that harms the body.

    1. What are the two causes of this disease, identified in 2:3, that we are to put off?

    2. What is the cure we are to put on?

    3. Who is the example of this attitude?

  3. The main request of this passage is to think the same or be “united in thinking”.

    1. How would you describe a “superficial” unity?

    2. How is this not less than agreeing on what we believe?

    3. How is this more than agreement in doctrine?

  4. Selfish ambition and empty conceit are two main causes of disunity.

    1. Is it possible to display selfish ambition over worthy causes?

    2. How can we guard against dismissing the command to love and serve others in the interest of our own agendas?

    3. How can we help ourselves and others detect a desire to promote self?

  5. The cure for disunity is humility.

    1. In your own words, define humility.

    2. What does it mean to count others as more significant than yourself?

    3. How will we know whether or not we’re following that command?

    4. What does 2:5-11 teach us about the patterns we are to follow in a healthy church fellowship?


The Spirit-Filled Wife


A Fellowship that Honors Christ Pt. 2