The Spirit-Filled Wife

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This passage teaches us that God has designed a specific role for wives in order to illustrate the relationship between Christ and His church. Therefore Spirit-filled wives fulfill that role by submitting to their husbands in everything, just as the Spirit-filled church submits to Christ in everything.


  1. The Command

  2. The Reason

  3. The Example

Study Questions

  1. Understanding and fulfilling the roles God designed for marriage is more important than learning how to have a fulfilling marriage.

    1. How would you explain this to someone?

    2. What does marriage illustrate?

    3. How can we use marriage to help people understand the gospel?

    4. When God designed marriage in Genesis 2, what was He foreshadowing?

  2. Single people may be tempted to tune out during a message about the roles of husbands and wives.

    1. Why (besides its inclusion in the Bible) should a single person be interested in Eph 5:22-33?

    2. How can we emphasize the importance of the family in the church without isolating those who are not married or have no children?

    3. How can single people and families better serve each other in light of this text and others that teach on the responsibilities we have to one another?

  3. The text clearly says a Spirit-filled wife will submit to her husband in everything.

    1. What reason is given in 5:23?

    2. How does this relate to Christ and the church?

    3. How would you explain “in everything”?

  4. The idea of submission is controversial in the church, but the principle is clear.

    1. How would you counsel a woman who seems to love the Lord, but lives oblivious, even resistant, to this clear principle?

    2. How is a woman’s submission ultimately for her benefit more so than her husband’s?

    3. How can women encourage each other to follow this command (see Titus 2:3-5)?

  5. A critical part of healthy, Spirit-filled church life is Spirit-filled believers fulfilling their God-designed roles.

    1. What happens in churches that neglect or ignore these roles?

    2. How can SNCCC best move forward in embracing these roles?

    3. How has the message changed your thinking, and how will you pray for our church moving forward?


The Spirit-Filled Husband Pt. 1


A Fellowship that Honors Christ Pt. 3