The Spirit-Filled Husband Pt. 1

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This passage teaches husbands to love their wives sacrificially in the same way Christ loves the church so that their wives will be nourished and cherished towards greater holiness and faithfulness. The reason husbands should take such an active interest in their wives is because a husband’s wife is a part of himself, just as the church is a part of Christ.


  1. How Should Husbands Love Their Wives?

  2. What is the End Goal of Their Love?

  3. Why Should Husbands Love Their Wives?

Study Questions

  1. There are three different words used for love in the New Testament.

    1. What are the three words?

    2. Which word is used in 5:25?

    3. Should the other 2 words be present in a marriage (see Titus 2:4 – it may require some studying)?

  2. In 5:25 Christ is the example for husbands to follow.  

    1. On whom has Christ set His love?

    2. How has Jesus demonstrated His love?

    3. What reason does 5:26 give for Christ’s sacrifice?

  3. Christ has cleansed the church “by the washing of water with the Word.”

    1. To what does this metaphor refer?

    2. How is the church “cleansed” by the Word?

    3. What is the goal of this cleaning? (5:27)

    4. How does this relate to the goal husbands should have for their wives? 

  4. 5:29 commands husbands to love their wives as their own bodies because “He who loves his wife loves himself.”

    1.  What does this teach us about the independence of a husband and wife?

    2. How does this contradict the idea that a husband’s wife is his servant, and only exists to do what he desires?

    3. How should a husband “nourish” and “cherish” his wife? 

  5. 5:31-32 makes a stunning statement concerning the union of a husband and wife, tying it to creation, and not just culture.

    1. According to 5:31 & Gen 2:24, what was one of God’s intentions in marriage?

    2. To what does the nature of this union refer?

    3. How, then (based on what it points to) can singles or Christians with unbelieving spouses still celebrate and enjoy the intimacy to which  marriage refers?  


The Spirit-Filled Husband Pt. 2


The Spirit-Filled Wife