The Spirit-Filled Husband Pt. 2

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This passage teaches husbands that, because of the union created through marriage, they have an obligation to love their wives as their own bodies. This love is demonstrated for us by Christ, Who loves His church because, in a similar way to husbands and wives, His church is a member of His body.


  1. Obligation

  2. Implication

  3. Application

  4. Demonstration

Study Questions

  1. In the message, I mentioned a central principle on which the text is built.

    1. What is that central, unifying principle?

    2. How does understanding that principle change the way you view a husband-wife relationship?

    3. How does it change the way you view Christ’s love for the church?

  2. 5:28 says “In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies.”

    1. To what is the phrase “In the same way” referring?

    2. How does the end of the verse (as their own bodies) change the nature of the love God requires of us?

    3. How does the love described in 5:25-27 have to do with loving “as our own bodies”?

  3. Loving “as our own bodies” is a difficult concept to grasp (5:32), but it is the key to understanding the love husbands are to show their wives.

    1. What implication does Paul draw at the end of verse 28?

    2. How does this contradict the idea that the husband’s wife is his servant and only exists to do what he desires?

    3. With that principle, what responsibilities does the husband have towards his wife?

  4. 5:29 says we are to nourish and cherish our wives as Christ does His own body.

    1. In what ways ought a husband to nourish and cherish his wife?

    2. In what ways does Christ nourish and cherish His bride, the church?

  5. 5:31-32 makes a stunning statement concerning the union of a husband and wife, tying it to creation, and not just culture.

    1. According to 5:31 & Gen 2:24, what was one of God’s intentions in marriage?

    2. To what does the nature of this union refer?

    3. How, then (based on what it points to) can singles or Christians with unbelieving spouses still celebrate and enjoy the intimacy to which marriage refers?


The Spirit-Filled Husband Pt. 3


The Spirit-Filled Husband Pt. 1