The Spirit-Filled Husband Pt. 3

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This passage calls us to consider the great mystery marriage represents, and challenges us to honor Christ as Spirit-filled Christians by fulfilling our divinely ordered roles within the marital relationship.


  1. Do You Understand the Mystery?

  2. Are You Committed to the Union?

  3. Will You Live Within Your Divinely Ordered Roles?

Study Questions

  1. In the message, I mentioned a central principle on which the text is built.

    1. What is that central, unifying principle?

    2. How does understanding that principle change the way you view a husband-wife relationship?

    3. How does it change the way you view Christ’s love for the church?

  2. The message mentioned 4 words that frame Christ’s love for us.

    1. What are those words?

    2. How would you explain to someone how Christ shows His love in those terms?

    3. How would you explain to someone how Christ shows His love in those terms?

  3. The second point challenged husbands and wives to consider whether or not they are committed to the union of marriage.

    1. How would you explain the significance and importance of this?

    2. If you are married, what does your marriage say to the world about Christ’s relationship to the church?

    3. How can we support and encourage married couples in our church to realize the importance of this union and remain committed?

  4. 5:31-32 makes a stunning statement concerning the union of a husband and wife, tying it to creation, and not just culture.

    1. According to 5:31 & Gen 2:24, what was one of God’s intentions in marriage?

    2. To what does the nature of this union refer?

    3. How, then (based on what it points to) can singles or Christians with unbelieving spouses still celebrate and enjoy the intimacy to which marriage refers?

  5. 5:33 says “let each one of you love his wife as himself and let the wife see that she respects her husband.”

    1. Explain how this verse relates to all he has said so far?

    2. What is the main point he is getting across? (Consider the broader context)

    3. What, specifically, are wives told to do in this verse?


The Spirit-Filled Family


The Spirit-Filled Husband Pt. 2