The Spirit-Filled Family

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This passage teaches us that Spirit-filled children obey and honor their parents as God commands because they understand that it is right in God’s economy and contributes to their own benefit.


  1. Children, Obey Your Parents

  2. Obey Because it is Right by God.

  3. Obey Because it is Good for You.

Study Questions

  1. According to 5:22-6:10, there are four roles within God’s new society for which Paul gives instructions.

    1. What are those 4 roles?

    2. On what Command in 5:18 does our obedience in these roles depend?

    3. Our obedience to those commands is ultimately our obedience to which over-arching command? (see 5:15-17)

  2. In 6:1, Paul addresses children.

    1. What does he command children to do?

    2. What is significant about the fact that Paul addresses children directly?

    3. What does this teach us about the role of children in the church?

  3. The message said the most important lesson parents can teach their children is to obey them.

    1. Why is this so important?

    2. What happened to Old Testament children who verbally or physically abused their parents? (see Ex 21:15, 17; Lev 20:9)

    3. How can parents train their children to obey, but still show love and grace?

  4. According to the text, two reasons are given that ought to motivate children to obey their parents.

    1. What are those two reasons?

    2. What does Paul mean by the first?

    3. What is meant by the second?

  5. It is clear from Scripture that obedience to parents is not only a clear command, it is a vital principle.

    1. How can we encourage young people to be obedient to their parents?

    2. What, if any, application does Eph 6:1-3 have for adults who are married or have moved out from the care and protection of their parents? (see Mt 15:3-6)

    3. How will this message help you pray for the parents and children of SNCCC?


The Spirit-Filled Home: Parents


The Spirit-Filled Husband Pt. 3