The Spirit-Filled Home: Parents

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This passage teaches us that Spirit-filled parents will avoid provoking their children to anger, but instead bring them up in the discipline and admonition of the Lord. 


  1. Don’t Provoke

  2. Discipline and Instruct

Study Questions

  1. 6:4 gives clear and basic instructions for parents who desire to raise their children faithfully.

    1. What is the first principle parents must keep in mind if they are to raise their kids faithfully? (see 5:18)

    2. What is the negative and positive instruction given in 6:4?

    3. Why does Paul address fathers, and not parents?

  2. In a mixed congregation with individuals of various ages and experiences, its important those who are past the age of parenting do not feel the burden of shame or regret.

    1. How can passages like Romans 8:28 help those individuals move past those things?

    2. Why is it important for Christians to understand that suffering and difficulty, whether it’s from bad parenting or something else, is a normal part of life in a sin-cursed world?

    3. How can we best teach new parents that their goal cannot be to alleviate suffering?

  3. Paul tells parents what not to do first: “Provoke them to anger.”

    1. In your own words, what does this mean?

    2. What are some examples of how parents can do this to their children?

    3. What three underlying principles were mentioned in the message?

    4. How can parents overcome those attitudes?

  4. Parenting is hard work, and it’s important for parents to remember they are stewards of their children, and not the owners of them.

    1. How can a change of perspective in ownership help the parents better raise their children?

    2. Why is it important for parents to understand God’s sovereign choice of them as a mom or dad? How can a child’s understanding of this dynamic serve them in their own development?

  5. The two positive aspects of parenting are discipline and instruction “in the Lord.”

    1. What does Paul mean by “discipline?”

    2. What does he mean by “instruction?

    3. How are these related? How are they different?


To Fear or Not to Fear


The Spirit-Filled Family