A Fellowship that Honors Christ Pt. 1

This passage teaches us what gospel-centered unity looks like. It compels us, based on the benefits we have in Christ, to strive for a unity and love grounded in the truth that can only be achieved through a willingness to view each other in the best possible light and set aside our own preferences for the sake of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.


  1. The Encouragement

  2. The Plea

  3. The Marks

  4. Internal (Attitude)

  5. External (Actions)

Study Questions

  1. 1:27 exhorts us to live lives worthy of the gospel.

    1. What two expectations are listed at the end of verse 27?

    2. How is this related to the theme of 2:1-4?

    3. What does 1:29 say has been granted to the Philippians?

    4. How could 1:29 be applied to us today?

  2. 2:1 states the case for what is desired in 2:2-4.

    1. To what 4 benefits does the author appeal?

    2. What do they all have in common?

    3. What does the urgency of 2:1 say about the urgency of the plea?

  3. The main thought in 2:2 is being of the same mind.

    1. In your own words, how would you describe that?

    2. How would you explain it to others?

    3. If we are to be of the same mind, whose mind are we to pattern ours after? (see 1 Cor 2:15-16; 2 Cor 10:5-6)

  4. 2:3-4 further expresses the thought in 2:2.

    1. What does 2:3-4 teach us about what it means to be of the same mind?

    2. What are the internal (attitudes) listed in 2:3?

    3. What are the external (actions) listed in 2:4?

  5. The gravity of what is called for here is hard to miss.

    1. In what ways will you promote unity at SNCCC?

    2. How can we better hold each other accountable in a way that preserves unity?


A Fellowship that Honors Christ Pt. 2


Singing and the Church Pt. 2