Singing and the Church Pt. 2

These two passages provide a clear picture of God’s intention for music in the church. They teach us that as Spirit-filled Christians we are to sing Bible-saturated songs that drive the truths we build our life upon deep into our hearts so that we would praise God from the heart as a part of our worship. 


  1. Sing to Teach

  2. Sing to Praise

  3. Sing to Worship

Study Questions

  1. Singing to each other and to the Lord are two expressions of being filled with the Spirit.

    1. What are the other two expressions given in Eph 5:19-22?

    2. How does Col 3:16 help us understand what it means to be filled with the Spirit?

  2. Part of the reason we sing is to teach.

    1. What is the nature of this teaching according to 3:16?

    2. How does singing together teach each other?

    3. How do the Psalms inform our understanding of the relationship between teaching and singing? (hint: The Psalms is one of the most theological books in the Bible).

  3. Paul presents a broad range of songs we are to sing.

    1. What are the three categories of songs we sing in church?

    2. What does this tell us about the nature of singing in church?

    3. According to Col 3:16, what should motivate our singing?

    4. How can we do that when we are suffering, feel overwhelmed, or are burdened by life?

  4. Part of how we are addressing one another is in songs that sing of God and His mighty deeds.

    1. Why, beyond teaching, are these songs we should sing together?

    2. What happens in a congregation whose heart is right before the Lord when they gather together in song?

    3. How can congregational singing encourage someone who is struggling or doesn’t feel like singing?

  5. Even though the audience is each other, ultimately, we’re singing praises to God with thankfulness in our hearts.

    1. Why is it important to keep the focus of our music on God and His mighty work, and not just on ourselves or what we might do for Him?

    2. How has the message changed the way you think about congregational singing?

    3. How will it change the way you sing in church?


A Fellowship that Honors Christ Pt. 1


Singing and the Church Pt. 1