Singing and the Church Pt. 1

Music is a powerful gift from God created by Him to be an expression of our worship, but sadly, many churches are confused about music’s role. In this message, we’ll consider the power of music, as well as survey some recent history of music in the church so that we can better understand God’s command to His church to sing. 


  1. The Power of Music

  2. Singing and the Church

Study Questions

Psalm 96 is a Psalm which helps guide our worship and our singing, and it’s all about the King. A simple outline is “The King’s Glory” (1-6), “The King’s Due” (7-9), and “The King’s Coming” (10-13). Meditating on this Psalm, answer the questions below.

  1. Read Psalm 96:1-3. Singing to the Lord is a command.

    1. To whom does the Psalmist command us to sing to?

    2. What does He command us to sing?

    3. What are we to declare?

  2. Read Psalm 96:4-6. God alone is worthy of all our worship.

    1. What reasons are given to sing to the Lord?

    2. What are some of the “worthless idols” people worship today (96:5)?

    3. What contrast is given at the end of verse 5 for why we should worship God instead?

  3. Read Psalm 96:7-9. Worshipping God requires action.

    1. What does it mean to “ascribe” something to God?

    2. How does verse 8 suggest we ascribe glory to God?

    3. What does verse 9 say will be the effect of a right understanding of God and true worship?

  4. Read Psalm 96:10-14. True worship doesn’t just reach up, it reaches out.

    1. Who does verse 10 tell us to address?

    2. What are we supposed to tell them?

    3. Why is this an important message for the world?

    4. What happens to this message if we tell the world God loves them but leave this out?

    5. Why is God’s judgment of the world something worth singing about?


Singing and the Church Pt. 2


True Worship Pt. 2