A Portrait of Faithful Missionary Work Pt. 2

Principles for Faithful Missions

  1. Faithful missionaries are called by God and affirmed by their church.

  2. Faithful missionaries have a firm confidence in the authority and sufficiency of God’s Word.

  3. Faithful missionaries, confident in God’s sovereignty, can anticipate fruit and expect hardship.

  4. Faithful missionaries are committed to disciple making through strengthening and establishing local churches.

  5. Faithful missionaries are accountable to their sending church and give God all the glory.

Study Questions

  1. How does the Holy Spirit work in calling missionaries in this text?

  2. How did the church respond to the Holy Spirit’s call?

  3. Read through Acts 13-14 and mark the main activities of Paul and Barnabas.

  4. How would you summarize the content of their preaching (see 13:16-41)?

  5. What two words summarize the result of their mission?

  6. Explain how true evangelism cannot be separated from discipleship in the context of local churches.

  7. How does 14:27-28 bring us full circle from their commission in 13:1-3? What does this say about the involvement of local churches in missions?


Proclaiming the Excellencies of God Pt. 1


A Portrait of Faithful Missionary Work Pt. 1