A Portrait of Faithful Missionary Work Pt. 1


Acts 13 and 14 record the first missionary journey of Paul and Barnabas. The passage demonstrates to us that healthy churches send faithful missionaries who proclaim the Word of God and endure conflict all with the goal of establishing and strengthening local churches. The pattern set here reinforces the priority of the local church in missions and ought to be emulated in all our efforts to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth.

  1. Commission

  2. Activity

  3. Anticipation

  4. Goal

  5. Accountability

Principles for Faithful Missions

  1. Faithful missionaries are called by God and affirmed by their church.

  2. Faithful missionaries have a firm confidence in the authority and sufficiency of God’s Word.

  3. Faithful missionaries, confident in God’s sovereignty, can anticipate fruit and expect hardship.

  4. Faithful missionaries are committed to disciple making through strengthening and establishing local churches.

  5. Faithful missionaries are accountable to their sending church and give God all the glory.

Study Questions

  1. Why is it important that local churches are intimately involved in sending and supporting missionaries?

  2. What is the main activity of faithful missionary endeavors?

  3. Knowing what missionaries are likely to face, how can we better support and encourage missionaries?

  4. Why is the goal of establishing and strengthening local churches a vital aspect of faithful missions?

  5. Why is accountability to local churches important to all missionaries?


A Portrait of Faithful Missionary Work Pt. 2


Exalting Christ Together