Exalting Christ Together


  1. The Goal

  2. The Means

  3. The Motivation

  4. The Example

Study Questions

  1. How will a person’s view of the church influence their understanding and application of 2:1-5?

  2. What is Paul’s main desire for the church in Philippi (see 1:27-28)?

  3. Who deserves the credit for their inclusion in Christ’s church (see 1:29)?

  4. What goal does Paul give them in order to “make his joy complete” (see 1:27, 2:2)?

  5. What should motivate us to strive for the goal presented (see 2:1)?

  6. According to 2:3-4, how do we accomplish that goal (the means)?

  7. How does Christ serve as our example (see 2:5-11) ?

  8. Considering what you heard today, list some specific things to pray for, and consider anything God may be calling you to change or address in your own heart.


A Portrait of Faithful Missionary Work Pt. 1


Pressing Towards the Goal