Abounding in Thankfulness

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Study Questions

  1. Colossians 2:6-7 lays out a pattern which produces an abundance of thanksgiving, and it begins with receiving Christ Jesus.

    1. What does it mean to receive Christ Jesus?

    2. What has Paul already said in Colossians regarding how we have “received” Him?

    3. What does it mean to “walk” in the way we have received Him

    4. How would you explain that to someone?

  2. 2:7 lists four participles that modify the command “to walk.”

    1. What is the function of a participle?

    2. How do these participles contribute to the main verb?

    3. What is significant about the tense of “rooted”?

    4. What does it mean to be “rooted”?

    5. What is significant about the tense of “built up” and “established”?

    6. What do those mean?

  3. The final participle is “abounding in thanksgiving.” This seems to suggest that the inevitable result of walking as we have received Christ will be an abundance of thanksgiving.

    1. Is thankfulness the normal pattern and attitude of your own heart? Why or why not?

    2. What does this passage and others (Col 3:15-17) tell us about how to cultivate a thankful heart?

    3. What can we know about our circumstances that contributes to a thankful heart? (1 Thess 5:18; Rom 8:28-30).


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