The Christian’s Armor: The Shoes of Readiness


  1. Know the Gospel

  2. Strap on Its Readiness

  3. Stand Firm & Proclaim

Study Questions

  1. In order to put on the readiness that comes from the gospel, we need to be well familiar with the gospel itself.

    1. In your own words, how would you explain the gospel?

    2. What Scripture passages would you reference in understanding and explaining the gospel?

    3. How has the gospel made a difference in how you view your own life and how you view the world?

  2. The command is to put on the readiness or preparedness that comes from the gospel of peace.

    1. How is this different than putting on the gospel itself?

    2. What are some of the challenges which we might face that will require a firm grasp of the gospel and its implications?

    3. What peace is provided by the gospel, and how is this superior to other things we look to for peace?

    4. How can a clearer picture of Christ (Col 1:15-23) and a clearer understanding of God’s purposes in salvation (Eph 1:3-14; 2:1-10; Titus 2:11-15) give us a firmer grasp of the gospel that strengthens our readiness?

  3. The preparedness of the gospel has both offensive and defensive implications regarding the gospel. It prepares us to stand firm when our understanding is challenged, and it prepares us to go out into the world and proclaim the gospel clearly. In Romans 1, Paul tells us he is not ashamed of the gospel in spite of the persecution it has brought.

    1. What reason does Paul give for not being ashamed of the gospel (Romans 1:16)?

    2. What reason does Paul give for why the gospel is good news and needs to be proclaimed?

    3. Why is it important for us to not only be steady in our understanding of the gospel, but also equipped to bring the gospel to the ends of the earth (see Romans 10:14)?


The Christian’s Armor: The Shield of Faith


Abounding in Thankfulness