The Christian’s Armor: The Shield of Faith

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  1. What is It?

  2. What is it’s Purpose?

  3. How do we Use it?

Study Questions

  1. When introducing the fourth piece of armor, the language changes from “having” to “take up.”

    1. What does this change seem to suggest?

    2. What is different about how we use the shield of faith as compared to the other pieces of armor?

  2. The shield we take up is the shield of faith.

    1. In your own words, how would you define faith? (see Hebrews 11:1-3)

    2. What is the difference between having faith in God and having faith in something we expect God to give us or to do?

    3. How can we be sure our expectations of God are realistic?

    4. Read through the examples of faith in Hebrews 11. Which ones stood out to you? Which ones were difficult to understand?

  3. We are to take up the shield of faith so that we can use it to “extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one.”

    1. What are some of the “flaming darts” Satan might throw at us?

    2. How does the shield of faith deflect those darts?

    3. Is there anything we can do to strengthen and take up our shield when the attacks come?

    4. How can we encourage each other in this?


The Christian’s Armor: The Helmet of Salvation


The Christian’s Armor: The Shoes of Readiness