The Christian’s Armor: The Helmet of Salvation

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  1. Think About Your Thinking

  2. Think About Your Salvation

  3. Think About Your Future

Study Questions

  1. When we talk about believing, we’re talking first and foremost about how we think, which necessarily changes how we act.

    1. What does Romans 12:1-2 teach us about the role of thinking and the Word of God in the life of a Christian?

    2. What does 2 Cor 10:3-5 tell us about the difficulty involved in thinking biblically?

  2. The Scriptures teach 3 different aspects of salvation, past, present and future.

    1. Which aspect of salvation do you believe Paul is emphasizing in 6:17 (see also 1 Thess 5:8)?

    2. How are these three aspects related? How are they different?

  3. Salvation is to be worn as a helmet that protects us from all the doubts and discouragements with which Satan can assail us. This requires that we keep an eternal mindset, and focus on the hope to be brought to us (see 1 Pet 1:13).

    1. What does Isaiah 59 tell us about the source and substance of our salvation?

    2. What does Peter say is necessary to keep our focus on Christ, and enjoy the assurance of our salvation that God has for us (see 1 Pet 1:13-24; 2 Pet 1:3-11)?

    3. How is the experience of assurance different than our eternal security in Christ?


The Christian’s Armor: The Sword of the Spirit


The Christian’s Armor: The Shield of Faith