The Christian’s Armor: The Sword of the Spirit

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  1. What it is

  2. How it works

Study Questions

  1. Hebrews 4:12 says the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword…”

    1. What does the context of Heb 4:12 tell us about how the Word of God warns those who disregard the Bible?

    2. How does God’s fulfillment of His Word encourage us to take it seriously?

    3. How does the Word of God reveal the thoughts and intentions of the heart (see Prov 4:23; Mk 7:20-23; Matt 5:21-30; Jer 17:9)?

  2. 1 Corinthians 2 describes a wisdom Christians have that is not understood by the world because it is spiritual. God has given us this wisdom through His Spirit (2:10), and so through His Spirit, we have “the mind of Christ.” (2:14)

    1. How is it possible for Christians to understand the mind of the Lord?

    2. In what sense do Christians have “the mind of Christ?”

    3. Comparing 1 Corinthians 2 to Hebrews 4:12, what is the Word of God able to do for us initially (see 2 Tim 3:14-15; James 1:21)?

    4. What does the Word of God continue to do for those who are committed to it (see 2 Tim 3:16-17; Ps 19; 119; Col 1:28)?

  3. The Word of God is described in this passage as “The Sword of the Spirit.”

    1. In what ways is the Word of God a defensive and offensive weapon?

    2. How can the Word of God be used to resist temptation? (see Matt 4:1-11)

    3. In what ways can we “sharpen our sword” as Christians for when times of difficulty and temptation come?

    4. How can we take the Word of God offensively into the world to make God known (see Rom 10:14-17)?


Foundations for the Future


The Christian’s Armor: The Helmet of Salvation