Christ Will Build His Church Pt. 1


  1. The Confession (13-16)

  2. The Blessing (17)

  3. The Plan (18)

  4. The Responsibility (19)

  5. The Warning (20)

Study Questions

  1. Read Matthew 16:13-16.

    1. The questions Jesus asks are primarily concerned with His ___________.

    2. Who do people say He is?

    3. Who do the disciples say He is?

    4. Why is that significant?

  2. Read Matthew 16:17.

    1. Why does Jesus say Peter is blessed?

    2. What does that suggest about the cause of Peter’s blessing?

    3. Would you say it is the same for anyone who comes to faith in Christ? Why or Why not?

  3. Read Matthew 16:18.

    1. Who (or what) is the “rock” in 16:18?

    2. Who is ultimately responsible for the building of the church?

    3. What does Jesus mean when He says, “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”?

  4. Read Matthew 16:19-20.

    1. What authority does Jesus give Peter, and how is it used?

    2. What examples of this do we have in Scripture?

    3. Why does Jesus charge them not to tell anyone He was the Messiah?


Christ Will Build His Church Pt. 2


Hope in God