Hope in God


  1. Acknowledge the Trial

  2. Lead Your Mind

  3. Hope in God

Study Questions

  1. The context of Lamentations is Jeremiah’s lament over God’s judgment of Jerusalem. The city he loves is being torn apart.

    1. According to Deuteronomy 28, what is the reason for this judgment?

    2. What does Jeremiah see happening around him (you can read the book of Lamentations for this answer)?

    3. What does this tell us about the compassion of God’s prophets towards the people they are proclaiming judgment over?

  2. In Lamentations 3:1-17, Jeremiah’s focus turns from what he sees around him to the impact it is having on him personally.

    1. To whom does Jeremiah attribute the cause of his suffering (see 3:1-17)?

    2. What does Jeremiah conclude in 3:18?

    3. What does this passage teach us about acknowledging a trial, and the deep suffering and grief it brings?

  3. Read Lamentations 3:19-24

    1. What is Jeremiah doing in verse 19-20 in regard to his trial?

    2. What does Jeremiah do in 3:21 that changes what he expressed in 3:18?

    3. On what does Jeremiah focus in 3:22-23?

    4. In spite of no change in circumstances, what gives Jeremiah hope (see 3:24)?


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