The Antidote to Fear


  1. Rest in His Presence

  2. Behold His Power and Providence

Study Questions

  1. The text begins with the heading, which tells us this was written for the choir master by the Sons of Korah, according to Alamoth, a song.

    1. What can we learn about this Psalm from its heading?

    2. Why is it important to keep in mind this is a song that is to be sung?

    3. What do the “Selah’s” mean at the end of verses 3, 7, and 11?

  2. The Psalm begins with a confession that God is our refuge and strength and declares in response that we shall not fear.

    1. Verses 2-3 give 4 reasons we might be afraid. What are they (hint- they begin with the English word “though”), and why might these cause us to be afraid?

    2. What is stated as fact in verses 4-7 that prevents us from being afraid?

    3. Where is God’s presence (see John 7:37-39; 4:14)?

  3. In verses 8-10, God gives us a more panoramic view of His purposes in the world, and invites us to behold His power and providence.

    1. In what context is God’s providence and power explained in this passage?

    2. Why would the above context be especially encouraging for those suffering under geopolitical turmoil?

    3. What promise does God personally make in verse 10, and how is that comforting for those who suffer under seemingly needless persecution?

    4. What is stressed in verse 1, and repeated in the phrase in 7 & 11 that forms the basis of our confidence in spite of our circumstances?


Hope in God


Walking Worthy for the Glory of God Pt. 2