Commanded to Hunger Pt. 4

Study Questions

  1. In contrast to discipline or duty, what does Peter say we need to grow?

  2. Describe the two adjectives (“pure” and “spiritual”) used for “milk”.

  3. How can we ensure that the “milk” we’re using to grow isn’t tainted?

  4. How does this verse teach us that Christian growth isn’t based on experience or mysticism, but rational contemplation that changes how we think?

  5. What is it we should be contemplating and considering in order to grow?

  6. Why is it important for Christians to consider and meditate on God’s goodness when it comes to Christian growth?

  7. How might we encourage others to grow who may feel God is distant, or aren’t sure where to start?


Christ the Living Stone Pt. 1


Commanded to Hunger Pt. 3