Commanded to Hunger Pt. 3

Study Questions

  1. What do we need to understand about our identity if we’re going to grow as Christians?

  2. What 5 commands does Peter give us in 1:13-2:3?

  3. If we’re to grow as Christians, what must we learn to put off?

  4. Where else in Scripture do we see this concept (see Col 3:8-9; Eph 4:22-25; Heb 12:1; James 1:21; Rom 13:12-14)?

  5. What 5 sins does Peter list specifically in 2:1?

  6. Describe how each of these sins work against love and destroy community.

  7. How would you help someone pursue God as their greatest good in the midst of so many tempting alternatives?


Commanded to Hunger Pt. 4


The Resurrection and the Believer