Elect Exiles

Study Questions

  1. What is an apostle?

  2. What does it mean that the apostles and prophets are the “foundation” of the church?

  3. What qualifies a person to be an apostle (see Acts 1:22; 10:39; 1 Cor 9:1; Acts 1:1; Gal 1:1; Acts 2:43; 2 Cor 12:12)?

  4. To whom is 1 Peter writen?

  5. How would you help someone understand how a letter written 2000 years ago can apply to us today?

  6. What does Peter mean by “foreigners” or “exiles”?

  7. Explain in your own words what it means to be “elect exiles” according to the foreknowledge of God (see 1 Thess 1:4-5; Titus 1:1; Acts 13:48; Rom 8:29, 33; 11:2, 5-7; 2 Thess 2:13; Eph 1:4-5).


The Pilgrim’s Identity


Pilgrims, Suffering, and the True Grace of God Pt. 2