The Pilgrim’s Identity


  1. Origin

  2. Means

  3. Result

  4. Need

Study Questions

  1. How is the Trinity involved in our salvation?

  2. How is God’s foreknowledge a comfort to believers?

  3. Why is it important to understand that God’s election is not the same as salvation?

  4. In order for a person to be saved, what needs to happen (see 2 Thess 2:13)?

  5. To what event in the believer’s life does “sanctification of the Spirit” likely refer?

  6. What is likely in Peter’s mind when he speaks of obedience to Christ and the sprinkling of His blood (see Ex 24:3-11)?

  7. What does Peter mean by “grace and peace be multiplied to you”?


The Pilgrim’s Praise


Elect Exiles