Eve’s Deception: The Deliberation

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This text recounts Adam and Eve’s choice to leave the provision and protection of God for what they determined in their own mind to be good and able to make them wise. The devastating effects not only explain the state of the world, they serve as a grim reminder of what happens when we determine for ourselves what is good and wise.


  1. The Deliberation

  2. The Result

Study Questions

  1. Genesis 3:1-5 shows Satan leading a discussion with Eve about what God did and did not say and why.

    1. What seeds of doubt did Satan plant in Eve?

    2. Why don’t we see or hear from Satan in 3:6?

    3. Who is ultimately responsible for the sin of Adam and Eve?

  2. In the deliberation, Eve is mulling things over in her mind. It was at this crucial point Eve headed down the path of ruin and rebellion.

    1. What did Eve need to abandon in order receive what the fruit had promised?

    2. What does 3:6 tell us about who Eve thinks gets to determine what is good?

    3. Outline the process (three things) of Eve’s thinking in 3:6 before she took of it.

  3. The devastating result of Eve’s sin also led to Adam’s sin. This plunged the world into ruin and gave Adam and Eve a certain kind of “wisdom” from experience: death and separation from God.

    1. What was Eve ultimately hoping to achieve by eating the fruit?

    2. Comparing these verses to Romans 1:21-22, what led to their rebellion?

    3. How can we see temptations towards this kind of thing today?


The Christian’s Warfare: Stand Firm


Eve’s Deception: The Dialogue