Eve’s Deception: The Dialogue

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This text recounts Satan’s deception of Eve. In it we gain insight into some of the tactics Satan continues to use to convince people that they know what is better for them than God.


  1. Notice His Tactic

  2. Notice His Tone

  3. Notice His Emphasis

  4. Notice the power of Suggestion

Study Questions

  1. The opening scene introduces us to Satan, who is called “more crafty” than the other animals God has made.

    1. Where does 3:1 draw our attention to begin this scene?

    2. Who initiates the conversation and chooses the topic?

    3. What else can we learn about Satan’s tactics from 3:1?

  2. Satan begins by asking a question that is technically true.

    1. What is it about this question that would plant seeds of doubt or discontentment in Eve?

    2. What did Satan emphasize in the way he asked the question? What did he suggest?

    3. What does Eve’s response tell you about her understanding of Satan’s question and openness to respond?

  3. In 3:4, Satan speaks more boldly and directly about God denying the truthfulness of His Word and maligning His character.

    1. Was there anything about the nature of the conversation that emboldened Satan to make this move?

    2. Based on what we learned about Satan so far, what does Satan’s history tell us about how well he understood the temptation to be like God?

    3. How can we still see the framework of this deception still at work in the hearts and minds of even those who claim to know and love Jesus?


Eve’s Deception: The Deliberation


The Christian’s Warfare: Know Your Enemy Pt. 2