Fixing Our Hope Pt. 3


  1. Think Readily

  2. Think Clearly

Study Questions

  1. How would you describe the grace that is being brought to us when Christ returns?

  2. What does it mean to “gird up the loins” of one’s mind?

  3. What does it mean to be “sober-minded?”

  4. How are the two participles at the beginning of 1:13 related to the command “set your hope completely?”

  5. What are some of the ways Christians tend to underestimate or devalue the role of the mind in Christin living?

  6. What are some of practical ways we can learn to “take every thought captive to the obey Christ” (see 2 Cor 10:5)?

  7. How can we learn to be “dressed for action” and “sober” in our own minds, and what can we do to encourage others in this area, also?


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Fixing Our Hope Pt. 2