Fixing Our Hope Pt. 2

Study Questions

  1. How does 1:13 serve as a bridge between 1:1-12 and the rest of 1 Peter?

  2. What is it about our identity that is so crucial to remember when we consider the imperatives of 1:14 and following?

  3. What does it mean to “set your hope fully” on something?

  4. Describe in your own words what we are commanded to set our hope fully on?

  5. How does “preparing our minds for action” and “being sober minded” relate to setting our hope fully?

  6. What are some reasons Christians find setting their hope in this way so difficult?

  7. How can we encourage ourselves and each other to not live in regret over the past, but instead set our hope fully on the grace being brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ?


Fixing Our Hope Pt. 3


Fixing Our Hope Pt. 1