Rest in Christ


  1. The Son’s Praise

  2. The Son’s Authority

  3. The Son’s Invitation

Study Questions

  1. The context of Matthew 11 is the rejection of Jesus Christ as Messiah and King.

    1. What is significant about how Jesus addresses God as “Father” and “Lord of heaven and earth”?

    2. Why does Jesus praise the Father?

    3. What does Jesus mean by “wise and understanding” and “little children”.

  2. In 11:27, Jesus gives further insight into His relationship with the Father.

    1. How is 11:27 a clear statement of Jesus’ deity?

    2. Does Jesus desire to reveal the Father to all people? Why or why not?

  3. In 11:28-30, Jesus gives an invitation to all who are weary and heavy laden to find rest in Him.

    1. What does Jesus mean by “labor” and “heavy laden”?

    2. What rest is Jesus promising?

    3. According to 11:29, how can we receive that rest?

    4. What do we learn about the character of Jesus’ heart in 11:29?

    5. How is Jesus’ yoke easy and burden light?


Rest in Christ: The Son’s Invitation


God’s Love for His Saints