God’s Love for His Saints


  1. Loved by God

  2. Remaining in His Love

Study Questions

  1. Read John 15:9-11.

    1. According to Jesus, how does He love us?

    2. What does Jesus mean when He says “abide in my love.”

    3. Why did Jesus say these things to the disciples?

  2. Read Romans 8:31-39.

    1. What does Paul mean when he says God is “for” us (see 8:39)?

    2. What proof of the extent God is willing to go to provide for us to Paul list in 8:32?

    3. Why do you suppose God’s great love for us does not help us avoid what Paul lists in 8:35?

  3. Read 1 John 3:1-3

    1. According to this passage, how is God’s love expressed to us?

    2. What promises is made to those who are God’s children?

    3. What does this hope produce in the life of true Christians?


Rest in Christ


The Resurrection and the Christian