The Resurrection and the Christian

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of Christianity. It provides for us freedom from our past sins, power in our present life, and a glorious hope of the future.


  1. Freedom from the Past

  2. Power in the Present

  3. Hope for the Future

Study Questions

  1. In the book of Acts, a main theme in the proclamation of the gospel was the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    1. The apostles were called “witnesses.” What did they witness and proclaim (see Acts 4:33)?

    2. Why do you suppose the apostles were fixated on the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

    3. Of what does the resurrection assure us, according to Acts 17:31?

  2. The resurrection gives us freedom from our past sins.

    1. According to Romans 3:23, what happens to all who sin?

    2. Is it possible for a person to be saved only by Jesus’ death?

    3. Define Justification.

    4. How would you explain how the resurrection relates to our Justification and deliverance from death?

  3. The resurrection of Jesus Christ gives us power in our present life (see Romans 6:1-14).

    1. Why is it important to understand that our justification and our sanctification are inseparable?

    2. How can we maintain this truth and avoid charges of legalism or adding works to the free offer of the gospel?

    3. How does Romans 6:1-14 encourage us to look to Christ and the power of the resurrection and not our own strength to live a godly life?

    4. How does the resurrection help you live your current life?

  4. The resurrection gives us a glorious hope for the future (see 1 Peter 1:3-12).

    1. Why does Peter remind them of this hope? (see 1:6)

    2. Why is it difficult for many Christians in our culture to lose sight of this hope?

    3. How can we keep this hope at the forefront of our minds?


God’s Love for His Saints


Christ Will Build His Church Pt. 2