The Benediction of Ephesians


  1. The Ministry of Others

  2. Grace, Love, and Peace

Study Questions

  1. The last four verses of Ephesians include some personal words about the people that ministered to Paul, as well as a final prayer and benediction for the Ephesian believers.

    1. What can believers 2000 years removed from when this letter was written learn from 6:21-24?

    2. Why did Paul send Tychicus?

    3. How are 6:23-24 connected to Ephesians 1:2?

  2. In 6:21, Paul describes Tychicus as a “Faithful brother and beloved servant.” Colossians 4:7 adds “fellow slave.”

    1. What does this tell us about Tychicus’ character and willingness to serve and support his leaders?

    2. What does 6:21 tell us about the relationships Paul had with the church in Ephesus (see also Acts 20:17-38)?

    3. How can the faithful example of Tychicus encourage those who may feel as if their ministry seems mundane or not exciting?

  3. In the benediction, Paul asks that they receive peace, love, and grace. These words are more than a polite statement you add to the end of a letter, they are paced with meaning and genuine desire.

    1. If Christians already possess peace from God, in what sense does Paul mean?

    2. What can we learn about “love with faith” from Paul’s prayers in the letter, and why would this be included in his final words?

    3. What experience of grace does Paul desire for those who love Christ?


A Church for the Glory of God


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