A Church for the Glory of God


  1. God’s Plan for His Church

  2. God’s Purpose for His Church

  3. God’s Desire for His Church

Study Questions

  1. In the message, Pastor Jake makes the case that the book of Ephesians is all about the church.

    1. What can we glean from the book of Ephesians that indicates this?

    2. What does Ephesians teach us about the source of our salvation (1:3-14)?

    3. Why is it important to not neglect the corporate element of salvation?

  2. Ephesians 1 describes the source of our salvation, and then after an elaborate prayer, Paul explains how this salvation came about (2:1-10).

    1. What prompts Paul’s prayer in 1:15-23, and what does he pray for them?

    2. According to 2:1-3, what contribution were we able to make towards our salvation (see also John 8:34)?

    3. According to 2:1-9, Who is solely responsible for our salvation?

    4. According to 2:10, Why did God save us?

  3. In the second half of Ephesians 2, Paul describes the implications of our salvation corporately (2:11-22).

    1. What does Paul want us to remember (2:11-12)?

    2. How have we been brought near (2:13-18)?

    3. What are the implications (2:19-22)?

  4. Ephesians 3 tells us the purpose of God’s plan for the church is to display His glory to the universe, and Ephesians 4-6 describes God’s desire for His church in how they ought to conduct themselves as those whom He has called out of darkness and into light.

    1. What does Ephesians 3 teach us about the place of God’s church in the history of redemption?

    2. What forms the basis of God’s calling on our lives to walk worthy (see 4:1)?

    3. What has Christ given His church that is intended to promote unity and love (see 4:11-16)?

    4. How can we, as the church, encourage one another to live in light of the implications and commands of Ephesians 4-6?


Walking Worthy for the Glory of God


The Benediction of Ephesians