Walking Worthy for the Glory of God


  1. A Plan for God’s Glory

  2. Walking Worthy

  3. Standing Strong

Study Questions

  1. In the first three chapters we learned that God redeems people ultimately for His own glory. In short, He saved us so that through His work for us, and in us, we would make Him look good.

    1. What passages in Ephesians would you point to that make this point?

    2. To whom is God demonstrating His glory through us (see 2:7; 3:10)?

    3. What purpose does the answer to Paul’s prayer in 3:14-18 serve (consider God’s purpose in redeeming us and the verses that follow)?

  2. Ephesians 4 commands us to walk worthy, and it grounds this command to our calling as Christians.

    1. Why is it important for Christians to understand that the salvation God gives us cannot be separated from the life God requires us to live as His children (see 1 Pet 1:14-15)?

    2. According to 4:2-3, what attitudes are foundational to walking worthy?

    3. What has God given His church to help them grow and walk worthy (4:1-16)?

  3. If you trace Ephesians 4-6, you’ll notice several times Paul begins a new section with the command “walk,” or in the case of 4:17 “do not walk”.

    1. What are the five instances of this word, and how do they outline the conduct that ought to mark the life of a Christian?

    2. What three things mark the Christian who is walking in wisdom?

    3. In which command are all the commands in 5:19-6:9 based (see 5:18)?

  4. Given what is true of us based in Eph 1-3, it seems as if the worthy walk ought to be a natural and smooth progression, but Eph 6 makes it clear that it is not.

    1. Why, according to 6:12, is living the Christian life faithfully in community so difficult?

    2. How can we connect the truths of Eph 1-3 with the demands of 4-6 in a way that compels us to leave our life of sin and follow Jesus?


Walking Worthy for the Glory of God Pt. 2


A Church for the Glory of God