The Lord’s Supper


  1. What Is It?

  2. What Does It Represent?

  3. What Does It Affirm?

  4. How Can We Prepare For It?

Study Questions

  1. How would you explain the Lord’s Supper to an unbeliever?

  2. What meal is the Lord’s Supper based on, and why did Jesus change it (see Exodus 11-12)?

  3. Why do you think this ordinance is still important to the church today?

  4. What does the Lord’s Supper say about what it means to be a part of a local church (see Acts 2:42 & 1 Cor 10:17)?

  5. Why must we examine ourselves before participating in communion?

  6. How can celebrating the Lord’s Supper have a purifying effect on a church?

  7. How would you help a less mature believer examine themselves so they can receive the benefit of the Lord’s Supper?

  8. Considering what you heard today, how will you change how you approach the Lord’s Supper?


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