

Baptism is the act of being immersed in water as a public declaration of our allegiance to Christ and His church. It is an outer physical symbol of an inner spiritual reality, namely, our union with Jesus’ death and resurrection, as well as our identification with His body, the church.

  1. What is Baptism?

  2. Why Be Baptized?

Study Questions

  1. What does the word “baptize” mean?

  2. What does Baptism represent (see Romans 6:1-4)?

  3. Why do you think Jesus commanded baptism in the Great Commission (see Matthew 28:18-20)?

  4. What is different about the consequences of a 21st century American being baptized versus a 1st century Jew?

  5. Why is baptism so closely connected to salvation and the preaching of the gospel?

  6. How would you explain baptism to an unbeliever or a new believer who doesn’t understand the practice?

  7. How can we guard against our tendency to shy away from living out the commitment we made to Christ and His church in our baptism?

  8. How can we use the practice of baptism to urge other believers to turn their backs on the world and follow Christ?


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