The Pilgrim’s Test: The Nature of Trials


  1. Trials are Present.

  2. Trials are Temporary.

  3. Trials are Necessary.

  4. Trials are Grievous.

  5. Trials are Multifaceted.

Study Questions

  1. How can understanding the nature and purpose of trials help us endure them?

  2. What are some of the ways trials are a part of our present experience?

  3. How can we be sure that all our trials are temporary?

  4. How would you help a fellow believer understand the necessity of trials? What Bible passages would you take them to?

  5. Why is it important to remember the real pain and deep sorrow are a normal part of suffering? What passages in Scripture point to this reality?

  6. How many different types of trials can you name, and in what ways might those types of trials build in God’s people endurance and character?

  7. Is it possible to suffer through trials and not gain the full benefit of them? If so, explain.




The Pilgrim’s Test